Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Free Vegetarian Weight Loss Plan

An effective vegetarian weight loss plan must encompass 3 things - a proven vegetarian weight loss diet, a set of sure-fire fat-burning workouts and easy-to-follow weight loss tips. They work just like your brain, heart and kidney. Short of one and your weight loss regimen will likely fail. Let's run through a free sample of vegetarian weight loss plan to show you precisely what you need so that you can use it as a guide to customize your own vegetarian weight loss diet plan.

To make it easy for you to follow through this free vegetarian weight loss plan, I'll insert tips alongside the vegetarian weight loss diet as well as the fat-burning workouts.

Free Vegetarian Weight Loss Plan - Diet

You need 5 vegetarian weight loss meals to power your day - boost metabolism, burn fat, feed energy to fuel your activities. In this meal plan, your breakfast, lunch and dinner should contain about 40 - 60% fibrous food. If you feel too much for your condition, you can do some adjustments accordingly. You'll insert snack in between them to help you remain metabolically active and keep you going.

In each of these main vegetarian weight loss meals, your breakfast, lunch and dinner should each keep you full up to 70% only, while your snack 30 - 40%. When you fill your stomach to the brim in every meal, you'll abuse your insulin level, and over time you'll suffer from diabetic condition. Also, as more blood flows to aid in food digestion, less blood carrying oxygen will flow to your brain, resulting in sleepiness. Therefore, 70% for main meal is the ideal level. Bear in mind.

Here's a brief sample vegetarian weight loss diet to give you an idea.

Breakfast - Oatmeal. You can sprinkle some dried apricots, dried cranberries, pistachio nuts, flaxseeds over to improve its nutritional value and make it look more appealing.

Morning Snack - Mixed fruits.

Lunch - Veggie burger. Use pan-seared Portobello mushroom as the meat substitute (you can prepare this early in the morning before you leave for work). Then top the mushroom with some shredded veggies. Add a piece of vegan cheese and a dash of curried lentil sauce. You can also spice it up moderately with cayenne pepper which produces thermogenic effect to help you burn more fat.

Afternoon Snack - Mixed grains, nuts and seeds.

Dinner - Rainbow salad. Include any salad vegetables and chopped fruits of your favorite. Mix 1 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil, 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar and 2 tbsp virgin coconut oil as salad dressing.

You should make your dinner rich in fiber so that you won't crave for supper or night snack, and should last you till the following morning.

Free Vegetarian Weight Loss Plan - Exercise

You can go with any exercise so long as you feel comfortable. But if you want to maximize your vegetarian fat loss, you should do high-intensity interval training. For example, you'll cycle at normal speed for a minute, and then on next minute you increase the speed. After a minute, you drop your speed back to normal again. Scientists and researchers have proven that such low-high-low intensity pattern will help you burn more fat.

For best fat loss effect, do it in the morning, preferably before 7 A.M. Any other times in the day works fine if you can't make it so early. The truth is, you'll still burn fat, albeit lesser.

Bonus Vegetarian Weight Loss Tips

Take this free vegetarian weight loss plan and do some customization to fit into your own needs and schedules. You may need to find out the list of foods available in your nearby stores to make sure you always have the ingredients at your disposal to whip up delicious fat loss meals.

For fat-burning workouts, you need not buy expensive equipment or gadgets (if you want to save on that). You can use full bodyweight exercises such as jumping jacks, plank, side plank, pushups, lying hip extension, step-ups, bicycle crunch, mountain climbers, Spiderman climbs, prisoner squat etc. You can perform them in the comfort of your own home. You'll lose fat just as effective.

Last but not least, your vegetarian weight loss plan should also include getting quality sleep and consume adequate amount of water for proper hydration, so that you can detox optimally and lose weight effectively as a vegetarian with half the effort and time.

The Secret To Slim Thighs

What's the secret to getting slim thighs? First, let me tell what it is not. You will never get the legs you want just by using those traditional leg machines at your gym or by doing day after day of boring cardio.

The reality is that you always see people at the gym doing this stuff and never seeing the results they want.

The real secret to getting your thighs slim involves 3 components: 1) proper nutrition, 2) strength training and 3) cardio (but not the typical kind of cardio everyone does).

1. Proper Nutrition: I am going to be honest with you. You will never ever get slimmer thighs if you don't put the right foods in your body. It doesn't matter how great your workout routine is or what you may have heard or read. If you eat the wrong foods your body will maintain or store more body fat around your midsection, your arms, your butt and your thighs.

And fat is what blurs the visibility of the underlying muscles. When you have excess body fat you cannot see any muscular definition.

So, if you want to get your thighs slimmer you have to eat enough of the right kinds of nutritious, fat burning foods that will help keep your legs sexy and lean.

A great rule of thumb I tell my clients is to make sure you eat at least 5 small meals each day. But, all 5 are not really "meals".

3 are meals and 2 are snacks. So, it looks like this:


Getting into the habit of eating more frequently is how you start to boost your metabolism to burn fat so you can begin to get slim thighs much faster than if you eat fewer meals.

2. Strength Training: Usually when I tell women they need strength training to make their thighs slimmer they look at me like they've just seen a ghost.

"But, I don't want to get bulky muscles" is a typical response I get. I don't know where this myth came from but I want to clarify something here.

Getting "bulky" muscles just from strength training is 100% pure myth. Here's why. Building the kind of muscle mass that you see on a bodybuilder is absolutely unrealistic for the majority of people especially women.

Women naturally have lower levels of testosterone which makes it more difficult to build muscle mass versus men.

Here is something else to consider. If you want slim thighs with nice "tone" you have to possess a certain level of muscularity anyway.

You can burn all the body fat you want but if you don't have any real muscle on your legs your slim thighs will look more like toothpicks instead of sexy legs with curves.

That doesn't mean you will "bulk up". You simply fit the level of muscularity to match your goal. Adding some lean muscle to your thighs will give you that sexy curvacious appeal you are looking for.

And that comes from intense strength training and not from doing the leg machines at the gym with light weights and lots of repetitions.

You will never get slimmer thighs with nice definition that way. You have to lift heavier and smarter with just the right amount of rest in between to allow your body to recuperate which is when your thighs slim down.

Try these thigh slimming exercises to get you started:

forward lunge walks
sideways lunge walks
box or bench jumps

Learn how to get slim thighs faster and lose 10 pounds in the process-
click here

3. Cardiovascular Training I never said no cardio. I said not the traditional cardio everyone else does. I am going to suggest a different twist on your typical cardio routine that will burn more calories and fat while stimulating your thighs to add some lean, sexy muscle tone.

Getting your thighs slim requires the combination of sufficient muscularity and low body fat.

Your muscles lie underneath a layer of fat cells. Fat cells store body fat. The more fat you carry the bigger your fat cells become and the less visible your muscles are.

So, to see those slim thighs underneath you also need to burn the fat from your fat cells.

Here's a tip to get you started:

Perform 90% Heart Rate Peaks- Instead of doing the typical marathon cardio workout in your "fat burning zone" you are going to perform a much higher intensity workout but for a shorter time period.

This will allow you to burn more calories and fat long after your workout is over. Here is what you do:

Use the formula 220 - your age to get a number. Now, multiply that number by .85 and write down the product. Next, multiply the number by .75 and write down that product. The 2 products are your low and high end heart rate ranges.

Example for a 35-year old: 220 - 35 = 185
185 X .85 = 157
185 X .75 = 138

Heart rate range would be 138 (low end) to 157 (high end).

You will perform your cardio workout on any piece of equipment of your choice. Warm up for 5 minutes by gradually building your heart rate up to your low end range (138 in the above example).

Then you will increase the intensity until your heart rate peaks at your high end range (157 beats per minute in the above example).

Once you reach your high end range you immediately drop the intensity and recover back down to yoru low end range. Once you reach your low end range peak back up again.

Repeat this process of peaking and recovering for 30 minutes. Then record the total number of times you peaked to your high end range.

The next time you perform this you will try to beat the total number of peaks.

Cool down for 5 minutes by gradually decreasing the intensity until your heart rate is at your low end range or lower.

Stretch for 5-10 minutes.

And there you have it. The real secret to getting slim thighs is by adding some lean fat burning, thigh slimming muscle and dropping your body fat levels low enough to see those sexy trim legs.

Author: Kevin Yates
The Secret To Slim Thighs

The Cactus Diet

The Cactus Diet is easy. Hoodia Gordonii cactus will revolutionize the way you look at weight loss by curbing hunger to help you shed pounds.

Did the title of this article bring a smile to your lips or cause your eyes to widen? Just when you thought youd seen it all youve heard of the grapefruit diet, and you will never forget the lingering bitter taste in your mouth. You tried the cabbage diet, and it was enough to make you want to swear off cabbage for the rest of your life. You even tried the soup diet, the Atkins diet, the low-fat diet, and every other fill-in-the-blank diet on the market. A Cactus Diet though? No way

Dont worry. Im not suggesting that you munch on a desert plant. However, thats how the story of the Hoodia Gordonii Cactus Diet began. Although incorporating the Hoodia Gordonii cactus into your diet is a new concept, its origins date back centuries. In the 1990s, the CSIR (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research) in Africa conducted a study on the food that the Bushmen ate. They tested different natural food sources, mostly to ensure that the foods were non-toxic. When they found the Hoodia Gordonii cactus, animal testing was ordered to determine whether the plant was toxic.

Their findings paved the way for the Hoodia Gordonii Cactus Diet, a diet that isnt really a novel concept, but rather an old concept made easy. Since this cactus-style plant is a vegetable, it is also 100% safe and healthy. The Bushmen ate this plant during long journeys in the desert to ward off hunger. The CSIR found some interesting results after animal testing. Hoodia Gordonii Cactus was not toxic. It also caused the animals to lose weight! By 1997, the CSIR isolated P57, the ingredient responsible for the weight loss. The cactus diet was introduced to the general population in 2004.

The best thing about the Hoodia Gordonii cactus diet is that you really dont have to do anything. There are no complicated steps to follow. There are no foods that are off limits, and you dont have to struggle through the diet hungry. By taking Hoodia Gordonii cactus in the pill form, you can experience what the Bushmen did. You wont be hungry. For this reason, it will be easy to cut calories, losing weight.

The Hoodia Gordonii Cactus Diet is based on the old-fashioned, true theory that by cutting calories, you will burn off more calories than you consume. This means you will lose weight. The theory is simple, straightforward, and scientifically proven. Since Hoodia Gordonii cactus has now been introduced to the public, you can easily and safely take this in a pill form with no side effects. Youll enjoy a feeling of well-being, diminished hunger, and better self-esteem with the knowledge that youre finally shedding those stubborn pounds.

If you have struggled with diets in the past and are still searching for a way to transform your body, the Hoodia Gordonii cactus diet is the best option. Since youll merely be consuming a vegetable, there is no reason to worry that this wont be a healthy, safe way to get the body youve always dreamed of. Featured on programs like 60 Minutes and Today, the Hoodia Gordonii Cactus Diet is quickly revolutionizing the world of weight loss.

Author: Martin Stanwyck
The Cactus Diet

Vegetarian Weight Loss - 1 Tip for Overweight Vegetarians to Break Weight Loss Plateau

Are you one vegetarian getting stuck at a weight loss plateau? You're not alone; many other vegetarians do face the same thing. Imagine you have switched from the fattening processed vegetarian food to vegetarian weight loss diet. You lost some pounds initially but then it stopped and no more pound loss. You still got some belly fat to lose. Obviously, you're not achieving effective vegetarian weight loss. What has actually gone wrong?

Why Can't Overweight Vegetarians Lose More Weight?

Before we get down to why vegetarians can't lose weight, I think we should first take a quick look at what causes weight gain. Becoming a vegetarian doesn't guarantee you'll lose weight. When you eat more refined, processed vegetarian foods, you gain pounds due to their high-sugar, high-salt and high-fat content, of course, plus other chemical additives (added to enhance color and flavor) that impair your body and trigger metabolic disorder.

Upon learning that, you turn smart and start switching to whole natural vegetarian foods for good health and of course, to help you lose weight. Yes, it works. But after losing some inches on your belly and shedding as many as 40 pounds, your fat-burning engine stops all of a sudden. Hey, you still got some stomach fat to burn. Not forgetting your thighs and buttocks too. But it stops losing fat? Why?

After some information exchange with these overweight vegetarians who can't wait to lose more weight, I discover the one issue that has been bugging them since they were young, and even becoming a vegetarian didn't seem to change much. That is, they don't like to eat vegetables.

What has eating less vegetable got to do with weight loss plateau? Listen, vegetables can effectively purge toxins out of your body. These toxins may have been amassed during those times when you were still happily enjoying your "tasty" prepackaged processed food. Your body requires a broad spectrum of nutrients to wash out the toxins completely, before your fat-burning engine can start running at full tank. So, leaving veggies out from your weight loss diet or eating less of it can skew your vegetarian weight loss plan.

Simple Solution to Break Weight Loss Plateau

By the way, what makes you cringe at eating vegetables? Their taste, green smell or you simply don't like the green leafy color or the way they look? Whatever your reasons may be, you want to lose weight as a vegetarian and break weight loss plateau, you must try to increase you veggie intake. Here I show you a tip to achieve that yet avoiding triggering your dislike for vegetables at the same time.

Blend veggies into your fruit smoothie in a (fruit to vegetable) 4:2 ratio. This way you won't have to put up with the "green" smell or flavor but yet get to savor the goodness of Mother Nature's weight loss foods. Here's a sample recipe to help you start off:

Vegetarian Weight Loss Smoothie

- 2 cups of butterhead lettuce

- 1 carrot

- 2 bananas

- 1 mango

- 1 cup of strawberries

- 1 cup of water

Now, this recipe is very filling because of its high dietary fiber. You can eat it as a whole meal for your breakfast or dinner. And you should change the ingredients every day and gradually up the ratio to 3:2 so you'll get a balance of various nutrients from different mixture of food. Ta-da, a simple tip to help any vegetarian who doesn't eat much vegetable to break weight loss plateau. Now, is losing weight as a vegetarian difficult? Not if you know the tricks.

Need to Lose Weight? Then Increase Your Metabolism

If you need to lose weight, one great way to start melting pounds away is to increase your metabolism. By increasing your metabolism, you'll be able to process food faster and therefore will store less fat in the body. In fact, with a better metabolism, you're body will even begin burning away existing fat in order to get the energy it needs to support itself.

How Metabolism Works

Your metabolism can either work for you or against you. The main way we all get energy is from glucose, commonly known as our blood sugar.

When our blood sugar runs low, our metabolism burns the fat in our bodies in order to make more energy. However, when our blood sugar runs high, our metabolism stores fat in our bodies to use later.

So now let's look at how you can get your metabolism to work for you.

Go Ahead and Eat

Many people believe that the key to losing weight is to stop eating. Well, that will actually have a negative effect on your metabolism. Eating less will cause your metabolism to slow down because it will sense that you don't have enough food.

So when you finally eat, your blood sugar will jump through the roof and your metabolism will store the extra glucose as fat.

Instead of starving yourself, eat many smaller, healthy meals that are low in calories and fat. Also, consume plenty of water, fruits, and vegetables.

By eating smaller portions you'll not only curb your appetite, but you'll also trick your body into thinking that it's getting plenty of food. Therefore, your metabolism will kick into a higher gear. Then when it doesn't get the glucose it needs for energy (because you're eating healthy) then it will begin to take that glucose from the stores of fat that are already in your body.

Get Yourself Moving

Exercise is a guaranteed way to increase your metabolism. Always check with your doctor for what is the best exercise regime for you. Most of the time, walking as little as twenty minutes a day, will help increase your metabolism.

Exercise actually helps you lose weight in two ways:

First, exercise builds muscle and muscle burns calories on its own.

Secondly, when you exercise your body is forced to come up with enough energy to support your activity. So, it begins burning fat in order to give the energy you need.

Don't be put off when I say exercise - there is no need to be pounding away furiously on a treadmill for hours a day.

A simple yet effective mini routine is all that is needed to give your metabolism a boost.

Some Final Words about Losing Weight

If you need to lose weight, you're certainly not alone. Millions of people are in the same boat. However, most people don't realize what it takes to first lose the weight and then to keep the weight off.

If you increase your metabolism, you'll see that over time, your fat will melt off your body and your weight will gradually drop. The two best ways to increase your metabolism are to eat smaller meals more often and to exercise regularly.

Fat-Burning Foods

In your quest to lose weight, there are a variety of foods that are not only healthy and nutritious, but help your body lose weight naturally and increase your bodys rate of fat loss. Incorporating some or all of these foods into your daily diet will speed up weight loss, burn fat, and help in your search for a better, healthier body.

* Apples and berries contain pectin. Pectin restricts the amount of fat the cells can absorb and forces the cells to discharge fatty deposits.

* Citrus fruits contain high concentrations of Vitamin C. Vitamin C burns fat by diluting or liquefying it. This makes it less effective and easier for the body to flush fat from the system. Vitamin C also helps burn out the cholesterol making it difficult for cholesterol deposits to form in blood vessels.

* Calcium in dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt plays an important role in weight loss by accelerating the fat breakdown in fat cells.

* Broccoli and Cabbage both contain very high quantities of calcium and Vitamin C and are full of fiber!

* Eggs are high in protein and essential in burning fat. If you are concerned about cholesterol, you can eat the white part as that is the most nutritious part of the egg.

* Garlic or garlic oil helps reduce fatty deposits in your bodys cells.

* Green Tea boosts metabolism and may aid in weight loss. It also contains anti-cancer properties and helps prevent heart disease.

* Hot Peppers can speed up your metabolism. This causes you to burn more calories.

* Lean Turkey fires up the bodys fat-burning abilities by boosting metabolism and building lean muscle tissue that, in turn, burns more calories.

* Oatmeal and Whole Grains are great sources of fat-absorbing fiber that keeps the body full by providing it with energy. They also rev up the metabolism, necessary for burning fat and calories.

* Soup is a terrific appetite suppressant. Burn fat faster by having a bowl of soup as an appetizer or a snack. Make your own with lots of fresh veggies.

* Soybeans contain lecithin, a chemical that protects your cells from accumulating fat. Lecithin prevents fat from forming on your cells and breaks down fatty deposits in your body.

* Eat the right type of fats:

Monounsaturated fats lower the risk of heart disease, burn fat, and reduce the bad(LDL) cholesterol, without affecting the good (HDL) cholesterol. These healthy fats can be found in olive oil, avocados and nuts (pecans, peanuts, almonds, and cashews). Omega 3 fatty acids have the same function as the monounsaturated fats and can be found in salmon, sardines, herring, and canola oils.

Dont forget. The first rule of a healthy and nutritious diet is to drink water, lots of water! Water flushes out the system and eliminates harmful toxins. It enables the body to run more efficiently, speeds up metabolism, and makes it easier to lose weight and burn fat. Your body is made up of 70% water and needs a lot of water each day to perform its necessary functions.

Author: Chris Chenoweth
Fat-Burning Foods

Consuming More Calories After Intestine Cancer Leads To A Longer Life

A French study by some of its most noted scientists has surprised the professional medical world. Their studies have dismissed the well accepted theory that a diet plentiful in calories plays a factor in promoting the generation of cancer in the intestines.

Through their stringent observations over a five year period of cancer patients with intestinal cancer they found that a calorie rich diet also helps to actually increase the chances of outliving an intestinal cancer that has been removed through an operation.

French researchers in a study with 148 cancer patients proved this connection. Those patients who lived a calorie conscious lifestyle before their cancer diagnosis had a clearly higher mortality rate risk than their suffering counterparts after the operational removal of the tumor.

A negative for the saying a balanced nutrition.

The medical profession from the Marie Christine Boutron Ruault of the Paris Institute studied and evaluated the data of 97 men and 51 women who had their intestinal cancer removed through operations. The researchers particularly studied the eating habits of the patients before they were diagnosed with cancer. This was apart from the age, sex and situation of the tumor within the intestine and was found to be crucial for the chances for survival of the patients.

According to the facts of the researchers 50 of the patients nourished themselves on a calorie rich diet, 48 patients lived an approximate balanced diet and 50 patients were extremely calorie conscious.

Within five years the mortality rate after the intestinal cancer operation within those who had a balanced diet was 46 per cent and/or 22 patients which proved to be the highest. With the patients who led a calorie conscious lifestyle nutrition the ratio was 36 per cent, which corresponded to 18 deaths. Those who clearly ate too sumptuously lived the longest, only six patients or 12 per cent from this group died as the consequences of the intestinal cancer.

Special food which could have affected the mortality rate or alcohol and tobacco consumption was not taken into account and did not seem to play any substantial influence.

The results of this study were surprising to many researchers due to a calorie rich diet long being regarded as jointly responsible for the emergence of intestine cancer but it now quite possibly could be the exact opposite.

Intestinal cancer ranks among the most frequent cancer forms in the western industrialized countries. Usually it is discovered too late which makes the chances of survival very slim. Over half of the patients diagnosed with intestinal cancer die within five years after the initial diagnosis.

Further studies are required in this field to combat this deadly form of cancer, but due to the length of the term of each research study it may be a few more years yet before the human race can finally hope to rid itself of this killer known as intestinal cancer disease.